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Related Programs (53):
Transgender Day of Remembrance will include a panel discussion as well as a reading of names memorializing lives we have lost as a result of transphobia.
UCSF Learners UCSF Staff UCSF Faculty
Community Members Open to the Public Open to All LGBT Outreach Community Building Office of Diversity & Outreach
For more information contact us:
Open Invitation
UCSF Parnassus
This innovative program, started in 2009, educates students and providers about healthcare disparities faced by members of the LGBTQI community. Specialists in LGBTQI healthcare are brought together to discuss a wide range of topics including transgender health, bisexual invisibility, lesbian health, intersex awareness, gay men's health, youth and aging issues, and LGBTQI parenting. Attendees are given the opportunity to interact with specialists through small breakout sessions and panel discussions featuring community professionals and patients. The forum includes several opportunities for professional networking and is offered as elective credit for current UCSF students.
UCSF Learners Open to All LGBT
Academic Education/Training Mentorship Office of Diversity & Outreach Registered Campus Organization
For more information contact us:
Open Invitation
UCSF Parnassus
CTRFP is a yearlong pre-doctoral training program open to students in UCSF School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy and School of Dentistry. The program provides training and mentorship to pre-doctoral students in clinical and translational research methodology and practice. Students who wish to participate must take a year off from their studies and commit one year (July-June) to clinical and translational research work under the guidance of a UCSF mentor. The program is also available to medical students outside of UCSF through the Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellowship (details can be found here: CTR Fellowship Programs International Research). Funding for this yearlong program is available to students through RAPtr and Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.
UCSF Learners Open to All Academic
Research Community Building Conference/Symposium Education/Training Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship Mentorship UCSF Medicine CTSI
For more information contact us:
Kim Woodhouse
Email address
Approximately January 15th - every year
July 1-June 30th
UCSF Parnassus
UCSF Mission Bay
Learning Resource Services (LRS; within the Office of Student Academic Affairs): LRS is available to all students via individual student appointments, school-specific workshops, and small group appointments with students who study together informally. LRS' primary areas of support are for: (1) Students who want/need to maximize their learning in academically and clinically rigorous environments; (2) Students with disabilities; and (3) Students might find that the learning strategies which served them well in the undergrad environment are no longer a good fit at the Health Sciences Professional School level.
UCSF Learners Open to All Academic
Student Academic Affairs
For more information contact us:
UCSF Parnassus
The vast majority of people holding biomedical PhDs find work, but the number of PhDs who obtain tenure-track faculty positions now represents a shrinking minority. The MIND program is an experiment in career development and exploration, funded by an NIH Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) award. We hope to provide better resources for students and postdocs who wish to explore the wide range of possible career outcomes that are available to biomedical trainees, and better support for the faculty who mentor them. Program is funded through an NIH Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) Award.
UCSF Learners Open to All Outreach
For more information contact us:
Elizabeth Silva
Email address
415 502-2927
Annual program running from September to May
UCSF Parnassus
UCSF Mission Bay
Our mission is to provide access to quality health care for underserved people of California. This is accomplished by linking academic training programs with training sites in urban and rural underserved areas of the state such as community clinics and health centers, hospitals and other community based sites. The California AHEC has 13 centers, each responsible for a geographic service area in an urban or rural part of the state. Each center develops its own programs based on the needs of their service area and include continuing education for health professionals and staff working in underserved communities; rotations and other community experiences for health professions students and residents and youth health careers programs for underrepresented minority and other disadvantaged K-14 students. Each of these programs seeks to train future HPs, recruit and retain health professionals for community clinics and health centers and other types of sites that provide medical/dental and behavioral health services to the underserved populations of CA.
UCSF Learners Undergrad K-12
Community Members Open to All Academic Outreach Service Learning Certificate/Degree Program Community Building Conference/Symposium Education/Training Informational Session UCSF Medicine
For more information contact us:
Brenda Mitchell
Email address
San Francisco
Bay Area
Voces Latinas Nursing Student Association (VOCES) is a student-based organization at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). The purpose of VOCES is to unite students from diverse backgrounds with an interest and passion for the Latino community. Through our educational journey, unique backgrounds, and commitment to community- we aspire to be a source of support to our peers, while highlighting the rewarding field of nursing.
UCSF Learners Community Members Open to All
Underrepresented Minorities First Generation to College Academic Outreach Service Learning Volunteer Committee Community Building Conference/Symposium Education/Training Mentorship UCSF Nursing
For more information contact us:
Gabriela Chika
Email address
Open Invitation
UCSF Parnassus
This ambitious collaborative public education initiative, led by UCSF SEP, brings together our leading academic, scientific, corporate, and non-profit institutions to showcase the region as an international leader in innovation. Each year, the 50+ festival events attract over 50,000 active participants, many of whom traditionally do not have access to quality scientific resources.
UCSF Learners UCSF Staff UCSF Faculty
K-12 Community Members Open to the Public Open to All Outreach Community Building
For more information contact us:
Late October - early November annually
Open Invitation
Bay Area
Current, selected UCSF medical students will take on a semester-long mentorship role over selected UC Berkeley AMSA (American Medical Students Association) members in order to expose the mentees to what being a medical student is like. The mentors will be available by email, text, etc. to answer the mentees' questions and provide guidance. The mentors and mentees are also required to meet face-to-face at least once during the mentorship, and also during possible UCSF campus/medical school tour(s). This is an excellent outreach opportunity for UCSF medical students to help and guide aspiring doctors, and this is a fantastic opportunity for premedical students to receive top-notch mentorship!
UCSF Learners Undergrad Open to All
Mentorship UCSF Medicine
For more information contact us:
Ajay Yalamanchi
Email address
UCSF Parnassus
San Francisco
Bay Area
UCSF Mission Bay
The Women in Academic Medicine group was formed at UCSF Fresno in 2014 to create a supportive community to help foster and support women pursuing academic careers in medicine at all stages of their careers. The group meets quarterly (October, January, April and July) to provide career development and networking opportunities.
UCSF Learners UCSF Faculty Undergrad
Open to All Academic Outreach Research Community Building Mentorship UCSF Dentistry UCSF Nursing UCSF Medicine UCSF Pharmacy UCSF Graduate Division Office of Diversity & Outreach
For more information contact us:
Lori Weichenthal, MD
Email address
Quarterly Meetings
Open Invitation