
Building Healthy Academic Climates

UC Berkeley - UC Davis - UC San Francisco



As unique microcosms within larger university structures, academic departments play a significant role in building and maintaining a healthy climate. Departments typically do not have the expertise or time to effectively diagnose and address climate concerns. Ad hoc approaches can inadvertently cause harm, engender mistrust, or create a more negative environment for constituents.

DEIBlueprint seeks to make departments more inclusive for all by providing a step-by-step approach that includes a customizable climate survey "question bank" assessment tool to identify climate issues, and a standardized, affordable "toolkit" to help departments appropriately implement solutions to identified challenges.

DEIBlueprint will be implemented with participating departments across the three UC campuses (UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC San Francisco). Departments were chosen based on having a range of disciplines and sizes, as well as sufficient demographic diversity among its students, staff, and faculty. Additionally, departments were selected based on their likely ability to effectively participate in the pilot program and to benefit from it.

Learn more about the program on the DEIBlueprint website.