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Health care professionals who serve as officers in the U.S. Army Medical Department enjoy a wide range of opportunities and financial incentives. There are benefits, tangible and intangible, available to officers who choose to serve fulltime in the Army. These benefits are also conferred upon those who choose to serve when needed and maintain careers in their communities as part of the Army Reserve.Active Army professionals are members of a multidisciplinary team focused on providing the best health care possible. Here, there aren't any concerns about running a practice, hiring employees, processing insurance, purchasing equipment, stocking supplies or paying malpractice insurance.You'll also have opportunities to develop even more specialized skills than those you already have. From continuing education courses and seminars to clinical research and teaching, you'll be able to enhance your level of expertise. Plus, the U.S. Army offers scholarships and student loan repayment assistance to students and recent graduates in many health care fields. You have many career options. Learn more about the benefits that come with serving your country.
Open to All Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
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NURSE Corps members help to create healthy communities in poor urban and rural areas as they build their own fulfilling and productive careers. NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program sets registered nurses (including advanced practice registered nurses and nursing faculty) on a rewarding career path while paying off 60 percent of their unpaid nursing student loans in just 2 years - plus an additional 25 percent of the original balance for an optional third year. In return, NURSE Corps members fulfilling a service obligation at one of the thousands of eligible nonprofit hospitals, clinics, nursing schools and other facilities located in designated mental health or primary medical care Health Professional Shortage Areas across the U.S. NURSE Corps members enjoy the same competitive pay and benefits negotiated with their employer as do non-members.
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NURSE Corps Scholarship Program enables students accepted or enrolled in a diploma, associate, baccalaureate or graduate nursing programs, including RN to BSN, RN to MSN-NP, Direct Entry MSN-NP program to receive funding for tuition, fees and other educational costs in exchange for working at an eligible NURSE Corps site upon graduation. The NURSE Corps Scholarship Program is a selective program of the U.S. Government that helps alleviate the critical shortage of nurses currently experienced by certain types of health care facilities located in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Upon graduation, NURSE Corps Scholarship recipients work at these facilities for at least 2 years, earning the same competitive salary and benefits as any new hire. As much as half of the award funds are reserved for students pursuing a master's level nurse practitioner degree.
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The NIH (National Institute of Health Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) are a set of programs established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. The escalating costs of advanced education and training in medicine and clinical specialties are forcing some scientists to abandon their research careers for higher-paying private industry or private practice careers. The LRPs counteract that financial pressure by repaying up to $35,000 annually of a researcher's qualified educational debt in return for a commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research. Since tomorrow's medical breakthroughs will be made by investigators starting in their research careers today, the LRPs represent an important investment by NIH in the future of health discovery and the wellbeing of the Nation. There are eight LRPs, five for researchers not employed by NIH (Extramural) and three for researchers employed by NIH (Intramural). Research funding from NIH is not required to participate in the Extramural LRPs, and Extramural and Intramural LRP awardees may apply for subsequent, competitive renewal awards as long as they meet Program eligibility. Although organized around broad research areas, the LRPs were never intended to fund research projects. Rather, LRP awards are based on an applicant's potential to build and sustain a research career. Please read below for general eligibility requirements and Program details.
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The annual Chang-Lin Tien Leadership in Education Award honors an Asian American who has achieved significant academic accomplishments and demonstrates the potential to advance to the highest leadership levels in higher education. Asian Americans are underrepresented at this level of academic leadership. To honor Dr. Tien's inspiring legacy, his family established this program to encourage more Asian Americans to aspire to the leadership that he exemplified.
Open to All Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
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San Francisco
The "Sí Se Puede" Medical School Application Scholarship was developed in 2004 to assist pre-medical students with the financial burden of applying to accredited U.S. Medical Schools. Personal qualities, financial need, academic and extracurricular achievement will be considered in the selection process.
Open to All Underrepresented Minorities Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
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The Jane Delano Student Nurse Scholarship was established to promote nursing as a career and the involvement of new nurses in the Red Cross. The scholarship is available to nursing students (undergraduate or graduate) who have contributed volunteer service to or are employees of an American Red Cross Unit. A limited number of $3,000 scholarships are awarded each year. Scholarship funds may be applied towards tuition, books and academic fees only. Recipients of the Jane Delano Student Nurse Scholarship and their Red Cross units are notified by the Office of the Chief Nurse. A unit may be a chapter; Blood Services region; Preparedness, Health, and Safety Services territory; or Service to the Armed Forces station. Applications are due in May and applicants are notified in June each year.
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The UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in conjunction with the UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center is pleased to announce its two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology-Oncology beginning July 1.The fellows will engage in pharmaceutical sciences research in quantitative pharmacology, drug discovery, drug development and clinical oncology at UC San Diego and at Pfizer Global Research and Development Oncology Business Unit, La Jolla.
Undergrad Open to All Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
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SUHLA is a summer academy for rising 11th graders participating in the FACES for the Future-SF program at the O'Connell High School Health & Science Lab. SUHLA participants will learn key concepts of community health, social justice, advocacy, and social determinants of health through the lens of health and human rights, especially as it relates to the SF Mission District. We are recruiting graduate students in the fields of dentistry, medicine, nursing and pharmacy as SUHLA Fellows. The SUHLA Fellowship is a total of 6 weeks during the summer. This begins with a primer session before the summer academy, where Fellows receive training in teaching skills, small group facilitation, program implementation/evaluation, and community assessment. The Fellowship is followed by the 3 week academy in which the Fellows will take on an instructive role and facilitate the curricular sessions. This will largely take place at SFGH with some sessions at other UCSF-associated campuses. The Academy will culminate in with SFGH Family Health Center community fair, at which academy HS participants will present to their community highlighting health topics.
UCSF Learners K-12 Community Members
Open to All Underrepresented Minorities LGBT First Generation to College Female People with Disabilities Outreach Service Learning Community Building Education/Training Mentorship
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UCSF Parnassus
Bay Area
UCSF Mission Bay
The University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program was established in 1984 to encourage outstanding women and minority Ph.D. recipients to pursue academic careers at the University of California. The current program offers postdoctoral research fellowships, professional development and faculty mentoring to outstanding scholars in all fields whose research, teaching, and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity at UC.
UCSF Learners Open to All Underrepresented Minorities
LGBT First Generation to College Female People with Disabilities Academic Education/Training Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
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2 year postdoctoral fellowships