Diversity Hub
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Related Programs (10):
The UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine welcomes medical students interested in completing a 6-week summer fellowship in our emergency department. This fellowship is open to medical students who are underrepresented in medicine (URM) and have completed their 1st year in medical school.
UCSF Learners Open to the Public Underrepresented Minorities
Academic Education/Training Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship UCSF Medicine
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The purpose of the Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research (MTPCCR) is to increase ethnic diversity in the field of cancer control research by encouraging minority students in master's level health programs as well as master's trained health professionals to pursue a doctoral degree and a career in research. The program has been designed to enhance participants'; (1) Understanding of the power of research to effect change; (2) Awareness of the strengths and limitations of research methods, theory, and interventions in eliminating health disparities; (3) Interest in cancer control research, from surveillance to epidemiology, individual behavior change, health services, and policy research; and (4) Research, networking, information seeking skills, and motivation and ability to successfully apply to a doctoral program.
UCSF Learners Undergrad Open to the Public
Underrepresented Minorities LGBT Research Education/Training Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship Mentorship
For more information contact us:
Vanessa Mercado
Email address
February (yearly deadline)
UCSF Mission Bay
UNCF/Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Award are intended to help African American undergraduate students who are interested in science to further their science education and potentially pursue science and engineering careers. The UNCF/Merck awards provide tuition support and opportunities for research experience in a state-of-the-art research facility. At least 15 scholarship awards will be granted in 2015. Each award provides up to $30,000, which includes up to $25,000 towards tuition, room and board, and billable fees. This award is not transferable. Each UNCF/Merck Undergraduate Fellow will be paired with a mentor/s and will be eligible for an Internship at a Merck Facility or other research institution (applied for separately). The recipient's department may apply for a Department Grant of up to $10,000. The actual amount of this grant is continent upon funds remaining in the scholarship portion of the award after all tuition, room and board, and billable fees are paid.
UCSF Staff Open to the Public Education/Training
Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship Mentorship
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The ADA Foundation Dr. David Whiston Leadership Program annually provides two $5,000 awards - the Dr. David Whiston Leadership Award and the Henry Schein Cares Dr. David Whiston Leadership Award - to deserving individuals who have demonstrated leadership skills in efforts aimed at improving the oral health of the public. The award funds are designed to cover the costs associated with attending a leadership development program offered by the American Management Association.
Open to the Public Open to All Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
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The Fresno County Medical Society Scholarship Foundation is an incorporated entity (501 (c) (3) of the Fresno-Madera Medical Society, created to administer a perpetual and revolving scholarship fund for deserving medical students of Fresno and Madera counties. The Scholarship Foundation was made possible by the excess funds realized from the Sabin Oral Polio Sunday Clinics in 1962-63. With the efforts of the citizens of both counties, these clinics were organized and sponsored by Fresno-Madera Medical Society to immunize the population of Fresno and Madera counties against poliomyelitis. Throughout the years, additional funds have been generated through contributions, memorial gifts and repayments on monies from former recipients. All applications for scholarships are reviewed and considered by the Scholarship Foundation Board, members of the Fresno-Madera Medical Society. All information submitted is confidential. Scholastic achievement, need and prospects for completion of the chosen curriculum are important considerations and factors in granting a scholarship.
Open to the Public Open to All Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
For more information contact us:
Sandi Palumbo
Email address
100 Black Men of the Bay Area Inc. offers scholarships to students in Bay Area schools who are bound for a four-year college/university, junior/community college or trade/vocational school. The program also accepts applications from undergraduate and graduate students who attended school in the Bay Area.
Open to the Public Underrepresented Minorities Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
For more information contact us:
Bay Area
The Diversity Visiting Student Program is a funded program designed to give students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to experience the outstanding training that is available in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Washington and to experience life in Seattle, a thriving, dynamic, beautiful city with mild, dry, sunny summers. Our clinical sites in Seattle serve a diverse group of patients in a five-state region (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) that encompasses 27% of the landmass of the United States. We care for a substantial population of urban and rural under-served patients from a variety of socioeconomic and racial/ethnic backgrounds. In the Diagnostic Radiology Clerkship, students will spend four weeks rotating through four services (including Body Imaging, Chest Imaging, Emergency Radiology, Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary Fluoroscopy, Musculoskeletal Imaging, Neuroradiology, Nuclear Medicine, Pediatric Radiology) at three of the five major teaching institutions that the encompass the department's activities: UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, and Seattle Children's Hospital. This will give the visiting student multiple options for experiencing how we care for a wide variety of patients in the nationally recognized tertiary care centers that we service. If space is available, students may opt instead for a single four-week rotation in Interventional Radiology at UW Medical Center and/or Harborview Medical Center. Overall, students will participate in the daily clinical services on site, and will also have the opportunity to attend resident teaching sessions and conferences and, for the Diagnostic Radiology Clerkship, didactics specifically geared for medical students.
Open to the Public Underrepresented Minorities Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
For more information contact us:
Kevin Nguyen
Email address
The LEAD Scholarship Program equips students for leadership in diverse contexts by developing their intercultural competence within a learning community. LEAD Scholars will be able to: 1) Construct a biblical foundation for diversity; 2) Discuss and analyze cultural worldviews; and 3) Practice leading with cultural humility.
Open to the Public Open to All Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
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The Haile T. Debas Diversity Fellowship was established to support the Department of Surgery's goal of increasing the number of underrepresented minority academic surgeons. The General Surgery Residency Training Program has a long tradition of training academic general surgeons. Participating in a 4th year sub-internship at UCSF provides the student with the opportunity to experience first-hand this environment of clinical excellence, inquiry and investigation. To help defray the costs of a clerkship in San Francisco, the Fellowship Award provides a stipend of $2,500.00, usable towards tuition, transportation, housing, and incidental expenses. Haile T. Debas, M.D., Maurice Galante Distinguished Professor of Surgery, Emeritus at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Director Emeritus of the UC Global Health Institute (UCGHI), is world-renowned for his contributions to academic medicine and widely consulted on issues of global health. His storied career as a physician, researcher, professor, and academic leader spans over four decades in Canada and the U.S.
Undergrad Open to the Public Underrepresented Minorities
Academic Education/Training Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship UCSF Medicine
For more information contact us:
Heidi L Crist
Email address
Summer 2017, Fall 2017, Winter 2018, Spring 2018
UCSF Parnassus
UCSF Mission Bay
UCSF Mt. Zion
The HENAAC Scholars Program addresses the immense need that the United States has to produce more domestic engineers and scientists. The goal of the program is to ensure STEM college retention with a 3.0 grade point average or higher; to guarantee college graduation with an undergraduate technical degree in four-five years; and, to contribute to Hispanic communities by producing STEM role models for future generations and securing the country's place as the finest technological leader in the world.
Undergrad K-12 Open to the Public
Underrepresented Minorities First Generation to College Female Grant/Scholarship/Fellowship
For more information contact us:
Gary Cruz
Email address
The application deadline every year is APRIL 30.